How to easily create a mobile responsive website
All of this may be new to a lot of you, and fairly intimidating, since it requires not only a change in code and design, but in your overall web strategy and philosophy.
Thankfully, our team at StudioPress has their capes on and is here to help you out.
We’ve written several articles that detail how you can get started on your own responsive design, starting with the philosophy behind it, and then moving on to actual coding out flexible grids and media queries:
- 2 Indispensable Elements of Excellent Mobile Responsive Design
- Mobile Responsive Design: The Flexible Grid
- How to Make Your Website Respond to Different Mobile Devices
If all that is not your cup ‘o tea, we’ve created several themes that are responsive out of the box. You can check those out right here.
And stay tuned, because we’re in the process of making every Genesis Theme responsive …
Mobile responsive design is the future of the web
Mobile responsive design is all about automatically delivering your audience the content they want, within the context that they’re viewing it.
It’s revolutionary for online publishers, because (for most) responsive design eliminates the need for multiple versions of your site, or expensive app development and maintenance.
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