Four Essential Features a Mobile Responsive Website should have


Four Essential Features a Mobile Responsive Website should have

For a mobile responsive design, here are four features that you should consider:

  • Readability

Very often, instead of creating a truly responsive website, the developers simply decrease the size of the web page to fit the mobile or tablet screen. This leads to a very annoying user experience since the text is often extremely small and out of place, leading the user to have to zoom in and out in order to make sense of the website’s contents. It’s important to enlarge the text where needed and format the content so that it’s aesthetically pleasing while still fitting the smaller screen size.

  • Image and Button Formatting 

Similar to the other contents of a webpage, it’s important to ensure that buttons are visible and accessible to the user. It can be very frustrating trying to click a tiny and badly formatted login next item/page button. Users can often give up on using the website altogether out of annoyance at out-of-place buttons. Therefore developers should make large, visible, and easy-to-click buttons when designing a mobile-responsive website.

Mobile responsive design for button and image

  • View Orientation

Mobile users will frequently switch between landscape and vertical views as they look at web content. The switch between views can result in missing images or issues regarding functionality which could frustrate users. It would be best to ensure that the website’s content and layout are not butchered when a user switches views.

Mobile view orientations

  • Lighter Web Design

Mobile users are impatient and are quick to switch from website to website in search of entertainment. Therefore when trying to create a responsive web application, the developers should attempt to make the website light so that it loads quickly and smoothly. First impressions are important, and a fast-loading website will lend to making the user a more favorable view of the application.

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